Pictures are important. Pictures allow people to get a sense of who you are. They also allow people to see your personality. People do business with people. So allow them to see you whenever possible. We want to see you. Take a look at how you get a sense of the people involved with the […]
How to Scratch for More Valuable Marketing [WWD #29]
There’s a lot of talk about creating valuable marketing for your audience. In order for the stuff you create to really reach people it needs to offer them something that solves a problem. Or perhaps better stated it offers them a solution to something. But what does that mean exactly? And how can you think […]
If An Angry Deaf Guy Is Listening, What’s Your Excuse?
When I first came across web developer Brian Seitel, his blog was named “Angry Deaf Guy In Atlanta”. And even though he’s moving to California soon, I’m sure he’ll still have plenty to be angry about. Brian’s ability to speak his mind immediately impressed me. As time went by I became even more impressed with his […]
How to Reach a New Audience for Your Work
In order to for your work to be sustainable you need to consistently reach a new audience. Most times it’s not so easy. The problem is people first need to know about you before they can become interested in you and your work. But when it comes to something new, most people would rather stick […]
Understanding the Residual Effects of Social Media [WWD #28]
Have you ever heard someone say, “Social media is stupid. I tried it. It doesn’t work.” Hmm, work for what I wonder? Perhaps they’re right. Maybe it doesn’t work. But it’s more likely they’re using it wrong. Which is actually a good thing. The real problem is that they’re not looking beyond what they’ve just […]