Ah, yes, Twitter. Another tool and another new language to learn. But once you get the hang of it you’ll be a master of Twitter in no time. So to make this as simple as possible, here’s a quick rundown of the basics. The Twitter Homepage When you log-in to your Twitter account your Twitter […]
Don’t Overcompensate For Simplicity (It’s Better. Really.)
Today, I quickly wanted to point out the importance of finding simplicity in your communications. Don’t be afraid to use less. It is in fact more. Here’s a real world example to demonstrate We used to take the gals to dance class every Saturday. While I was making a tuition payment, the front desk lady […]
Twitter: How to Get Started
The first thing you’ll need to do is create an account. If you need help watch this short video, How to Sign-Up For A Twitter Account. In this post, I’ll mention some important things to think about. If you have any other questions please ask them in the comments below.
[YouTube Tip] Don’t Forget Titles
The other day the YouTube Subscription Updates email hit my inbox. It reminded me of something extremely important. Titles are important Titles are headlines. And just like any good headline their job is to get attention. To entice you to read more. Or in this case, watch the video. If you don’t update the titles, […]
“They’re human beings. They’re just people.”
“The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deepest regret…” These are the words spoken by Woody Harrelson’s character in The Messenger (Amazon affiliate link.) He’s one half of a Casualty Notification Team. A team that must follow a strict set of procedures while delivering the news to the killed soldier’s surviving […]