You are not alone. But what if you stopped thinking of it as marketing? What if you thought of it as a way to share your artistry with others? What if you thought of it as a way to extend your story in a way others found interesting? What if you couldn’t send ads? What […]
Why Education Should Be Your Goal Online [WWD #31]
People use the internet to find information. As you learn to navigate the waters of your particular art, as well as the use of these new media tools it’s important to think about documenting your findings. Not only will you become better at what you do through self-reflection, you’ll also get better at communicating your […]
Permission Marketing: Is This Okay? Please Confirm.
Has this ever happened to you? You exchange contact information with someone at an event and the next time you hear from them is in some mass email sent to their entire list? Sometimes to make it even worse, the guilty party isn’t even using an email service provider, they’re just adding your email to […]
Can You Solve This Twitter Mystery?
What would you do if you found out someone was promoting your project via Twitter? Normally, you’d think, “cool!” Isn’t that the goal, anyway? Don’t you want people to be promoting your stuff? But what if the way they’re doing it isn’t exactly on the up and up? And better still what if you can’t […]
Take Rebecca Coleman’s 30-Day Social Media Challenge [WWD #30]
Sometimes technology can actually slow you down. It slows you down because you’re a bit weary of how to use or set-up a new social media tool. And hey, let’s face not everyone is tech savvy. Sometimes you need a bit of hand holding. (I sure do!) Then you can actually move forward with your […]