Recently, I took my girls to a Tae Kwon Do birthday party. I learned a bit about achievement in the process as I was brought up to break a board with my foot. That’s right. I’m officially badass. 😉 (Yes, there’s a video for you watch below.) Here’s what else I discovered…
How to Make Your Website Disappear
Tihs tlloaty belw my mnid the fsirt tmie I saw it. Yep, tshee wdors aner’t elctaxy spleeld crortelcy. Yet, you can slitl raed tehm and tehy mkae taotl snese. Okay, I’ll stop now. But how the heck does that happen? The amazing power of your brain As long as the first and last letter of […]
The Poker Player’s Guide to Championship Content Marketing
In 2005, the Main Event of the World Series of Poker had a whopping 5,619 entrants. But did champion, Joe Hachem devise a plan to defeat each of these opponents? Of course not. Instead he was focused on one thing – the players at his table. Within this group, Hachem narrowed his focus even further. He […]
What Is An Indie Artist?
An indie artist is a special type of person. A person with the drive to move forward by doing the right things. Let’s break it down. What is indie? In my view, indie is simply a do-it-yourself mentality. Indie means you’re not waiting around for permission. Indie means you create your own opportunities. Indie means […]
How to Run Your Business Like An Artist
So my pal Frank Dickinson has been dreaming about starting a podcast for some time now. Well, I’m pleased to announce that at last he has. And yours truly is his first guest. (I’m not sure what that means for the future of his show, Creating Conversations Through Podcasting, but he ensures me that I […]