Tihs tlloaty belw my mnid the fsirt tmie I saw it. Yep, tshee wdors aner't elctaxy spleeld crortelcy. Yet, you can slitl raed tehm and tehy mkae taotl snese. Okay, I'll stop now. But how the heck …
Does Your Website Need a Welcome Mat?
It's nice to show up at someone's home and be greeted by the welcome mat. Aside from the aesthetics, the mat also serves a distinct purpose- it allows you to clean your shoes before you enter the …
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Don’t Overcompensate For Simplicity (It’s Better. Really.)
Today, I quickly wanted to point out the importance of finding simplicity in your communications. Don't be afraid to use less. It is in fact more. Here's a real world example to demonstrate We used …
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“They’re human beings. They’re just people.”
"The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deepest regret..." These are the words spoken by Woody Harrelson's character in The Messenger (Amazon affiliate link.) He's one half of a …
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How Do I Simplify My Homepage? – Choose Your Own Adventure Style
The unforgiving wind blasts coarse sand into your eyes. If it wasn't for the pain, it wouldn't make much of a difference. You haven't seen anything for days in this desolate land anyway. You stop. …
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Are you helping people reach their cookie?
"Daddy, will you tell us all the things you and mommy do?" Gulp. I thought I was in for it. She's only five and asking questions like this already? "Sure honey," I said as I picked her up where we …
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