The mission statement.
It’s been causing many a non-profit (not-for-profit is a better term, I digress) major headaches for quite some time.
As Tony Adams, Artistic Director for the Chicago based Halcyon Theatre, notes:
One of the things that has become painfully obvious over the years is that most artists and most arts organizations have a profound struggle to communicate with anyone outside their immediate sphere. We tend to have an implied code that we use, often without realizing no one knows what we are actually saying.
Let’s see if we can make this mission process a bit simpler. So you can write a clearer, more powerful mission statement.
Watch this short video to find out how:
Try out the 4-steps and let us see what you come up with in the comments.
People always ask how I shoot these videos. I use the Flip Mino HD Camcorder, 60 minutes – Amazon Affiliate link. There’s a newer version available also. I also use the Pocket xShot to hold the camera.
This is a really helpful video. Thanks for making it! I’m sitting down right now to formulate my thoughts on where our mission statement should go, and it’s nice to have an easy-to-follow guide for help!
Glad it’s helpful Jenn.
I hope you’ll share your progress with us. It may seem a bit pedantic to start, but once you get narrow with your focus it opens up a lot more possibility. Stuff you probably didn’t see before.
Best of luck!